share your thoughts to the world!
(source : www.blog.ning.com)
When you are blogging, you do not only do it for your own sake, you are sharing info and thoughts with numerous people around the world. Hence, it is essential for you to know your audience and target them correctly. Put yourself in the readers’ position and make sure your blog design is comfortable for them to see. Otherwise, your posts would be not be the center of attention thus your blog’s purposes could not be achieved.
As bloggers, there are several requirements that you should possess. The first one would be consistency. You should update your blog continuously in order to maintain readership and provide new issues regarding your theme. As bloggers are also required to be aware with developments in web technology, it is essential for you to constantly learn. The last, but definitely not the least would be to believe in yourself and have perseverance in blogging (Tsan 2007).
Ethics is another important issue in blogging. Though debates are still going on to determine blogging ethics, it is crucial to be aware of issues we cover in blogs. Offensive issues and pictures with no credibilities may harm ourselves. Overall, have a safe and enjoyable blogging experience!
Reference List :
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